The Emotional Side of Starting a Business

Starting a business is exciting, but it can also feel like standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to jump into the ocean below - terrifying, thrilling, and an adventure awaiting to happen! It’s one of the most exciting chapters of your life, where you envision a bigger, brighter future for yourself (and maybe even your family). But let’s be real - it’s also challenging, overwhelming, and sometimes downright scary.

So many people hit a wall before they even begin... Why? Because the internet is a maze of conflicting advice, a million “best practices,” and ideas that sometimes feel impossible to execute. Combine that with the upfront investment - time, money, and energy - and it’s no wonder so many dreams get shelved before they ever take off.

But here’s the thing: if you’re here, reading this, you’ve already taken the first step. You’ve shown up to get inspiration to keep going, and that’s no small feat.

So, we're here to talk about the emotional journey of starting a business and how to keep moving forward.

Top Tips for Navigating the Emotional Side of Your Business Journey

Remember Why You Started

You’re here for a reason. Whether it’s turning your business idea into reality or transforming your skills into a valuable service, something lit that fire inside you. Hold on to that reason. It’s what will keep you going on the tough days.

You’re on this journey because you CAN do it. The world needs what you have to offer, and nobody else can bring your unique vision to life.

Believe in Yourself Like You Would Your Best Friend

It’s easy to get caught up in imposter syndrome, thinking, “Who am I to start a business?” Here’s the truth: everyone feels like they’re winging it.

If your best friend came to you with a brilliant idea, you’d cheer them on, right? Do the same for yourself. You’ve got what it takes—more than you might even realise.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Building a business means stepping outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s learning new skills, facing rejection, or taking financial risks, it’s all part of the process.

Ask yourself: “Am I willing to be uncomfortable now to create a more comfortable life later?” If the answer is yes, you’re already ahead of the game.

Think Long-Term

Fast forward 10 years: will you look back and think, “What if I’d tried?” . Taking risks now can prevent those “what if” moments in the future.

Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, you’ll learn, grow, and set yourself up for success down the road. The only way to fail is to never try at all.

Embrace the “What If It Goes Well?” Mindset

We spend so much time worrying about worst-case scenarios. But what if the best-case scenario happens? Imagine your business taking off, orders flooding in, or bookings stacking up.

Yes, it’s scary to dream big, but it’s also exhilarating. Allow yourself to imagine the success waiting on the other side of fear.

You Are the Architect of Your Future

At the end of the day, nobody else can build your business for you. You’re in the driver’s seat, steering your future in the direction you want to go.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, we’ve got you covered. Tupu was created to inspire, empower, and guide people just like you. Our 5-module course is packed with actionable tools and resources to help you tackle every step of your business journey—from idea to launch.

Ready to Take the Leap?

If you’re tired of Googling for answers or feeling confused about where to begin, let us help. Tupu offers the clarity and structure you need to bring your business to life.

Don’t let fear hold you back—take the first step today. Download our free resource, check out our course, or just get in touch. Your future self will thank you for it.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Download our free Business Startup Checklist to make sure you don't miss any steps when starting your business. Click here to get your copy of our Free Business Startup Checklist!