We're big believers in accessibility to education; and that's what tupu offers. 

We are on a mission to guide more people to start or expand their businesses. Tupu was built from a funded in-person course, which has helped countless wāhine business owners get their feet off the ground. 

But, we don't want to limit this amazing resource to those based in Tāmaki-makau-rau, or to people who meet our funding criteria. We want YOU to be able to access it as well! No matter how you identify, or where you are based, tupu is for you.

Tupu is a small investment, for potentially huge growth. We'd love to see you kick start your journey with tupu today.

Our Mission

We built tupu to give access to resources and education around becoming an entrepreneur, or building a business, to everyone. 

Our promise

The content will stay fresh, you will be engaged from start to finish, and we will be your number one supporters from the day you launch.

Our values

We believe in equity and bringing others up; if you succeed, we succeed. We just love to see other people living our their dreams.

Our impact

Seeing people start and grow in business ownership, and have all the skills they need to push forward successfully.